LastObject LastTissue

LastObject - LastTissue - Turquoise

6 count

Why we love it

  • Sustainable alternative to single-use tissues
  • Made from organic cotton
  • Helps reduce carbon footprint and land use
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Colorful, convenient and eco-friendly, LastTissues are the perfect traveling companion! Each LastTissue pack contains 6 organic cotton tissues made of certified GOTS organic cotton in a unique silicone case. The case has a silicone barrier that keeps clean and used cloths separated until you’re ready to wash and reuse. Each pack of LastTissue replaces 3,100+ single use tissues and their packaging. Tissues can be washed up to 520 times each at 140 ̊ and the silicone case is dishwasher safe.

Need to recycle your LastObject products?

LastObject has partnered with Pact Collective to provide you with a solution for hard-to-recycle beauty packaging Pact offers a combination of collection services for LastObject. It's easy and simple!

The most sustainable way to use their service is to deposit your used LastSwab rods and LastTissue silicone cases in one of their bins around the country. Find a location here. If you don't have access to a bin you can follow instructions here to mail back your used items.

Remember that LastObject's outer packaging and recycled ocean-bound plastic cases can be recycled in a standard recycling bin.

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