Marie Originals Ear Pain Relief Drops

Marie Originals - Ear Pain Relief Drops - Default

.5 oz

Why we love it

  • Gentle and safe for children and pets
  • Handcrafted with love and care
  • Made with all-natural ingredients
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End your suffering with Marie Originals Ear Pain Relief Drops. These drops from Marie Originals contain an anti-inflammatory herbal blend that quickly relieves earaches and helps to drain excess fluid. There's no need to suffer the pain of an earache and the pressure of excess fluid when you can keep that ear canal dry and your hearing at full capacity from one little drop.

This statement has not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Marie Originals has a complete line of natural products that bring pain and discomfort to an end.

When should I be concerned about ear pain?

If ear pain lasts more than three days, or your temperature exceeds 100.3 degrees, you should see a doctor right away. If a fever accompanies ear pain, this could indicate an ear infection. Frequent or prolonged ear infections could lead to hearing loss.

If you are newly experiencing ear pain, and there is no fever to go along with it, natural ear drops, along with natural immunity boosters are a great front-line defense against a potential ear infection and prolonged ear pain.

What is the most common cause of earache?

Most earaches happen when fluid builds up in the tubes of the middle ear. The fluid buildup occurs when you have a sinus infection or the common cold. If left untreated, the fluid buildup can lead to a middle ear infection, which can become more serious if not addressed quickly.

See our many other products that can head off an oncoming cold (which can lead to that dreaded ear pain). Also include vitamin C in your regimen to boost your immunity and prevent infections before they start.

Note: Do not use these Marie Originals drops if your eardrum is perforated. They are for use in the ear only. The tip of applicator should never enter the ear canal. Ask a doctor before using if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

You should also seek medical attention if:

  • Symptoms persist for more than 48 hours.
  • You suspect infection.
  • Discharge from ear, or fever is present.

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