Grove Collaborative Supply Chain Transparency


Last Updated: December 31, 2018


At Grove, honesty, integrity, and respect are embedded in everything we do. We work with suppliers and other partners who prioritize the same philosophy in the operation and management of their businesses. That means we expect all of our partners to comply with all applicable regulations and laws of the United States as well as the countries where goods are manufactured or exported. We will not partner with business that employ involuntary labor of any kind. And, in accordance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, we are doing the following to eradicate human trafficking and slavery from our direct supply chains:



For our potential private-label brand suppliers, Grove conducts pre-qualification assessments to determine the level of risk associated with slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains. We will not engage in business with any suppliers who do not pass our pre-qualification assessment standards.



An independent third-party conducts semi-announced audits on our private-label brand suppliers to identify potential risks in our direct supply chain. We contractually hold our branded suppliers to the same level of due diligence. Grove operates on a zero-tolerance standard for alleged human trafficking and slavery. Action is taken against any non-conforming supplier, potentially resulting in termination of these business relationships. For both Grove’s private-label and branded suppliers, we contractually reserve the right to audit any manufacturing facility if we believe it is non-compliant with our standards.



 Grove requires all of our suppliers to sign our Code of Conduct. This directly addresses that “all work is voluntary and not performed under threat of penalty or coercion. Forced labor, including slave, bonded, trafficked, indentured or prison labor, is prohibited.” Our Code of Conduct also requires our suppliers to comply with the highest requirement, whether the applicable local law or our requirement, and have a system in place to ensure they are continuously updated with applicable laws and regulations. We do not partner with any supplier who cannot adhere to this standard.



Grove is committed to ethical and socially responsible conduct in our own headquarters and all other owned facilities. Although our Employee Handbook currently does not specifically address forced labor or human trafficking, Grove considers our requirements that each employee complies with the law and conducts businesses in a transparent manner, including prohibition against forced labor and human trafficking. Failure to comply with our Employee Handbook may result in disciplinary action of our employees.



Grove’s employees responsible for supply chain management go through online forced labor and responsible sourcing training provided by a third-party. This helps our employees identify and respond to these potential issues, such as forced labor and human trafficking. Grove will continue to assess our policies, procedures, and training, and will update such materials when opportunities arise.