5 best dishwasher tablets to make your dishes shine.
We've pulled the top 5 best dishwasher tablets determined by Grove members. Select from any on the list and get them delivered to your door!
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Last Updated: December 23, 2021
Here are our hassle-free tips for how to clean wine glasses so they’re sparkling and party-ready.
It’s the big night. You’re preparing for a lovely dinner party and looking forward to your guests' arrival, but when you pull the nice wine glasses out of the cabinet, they’re spotted and cloudy from the last time they were used.
Cleaning wine spills is tricky enough, but what about cleaning the glasses themselves? Here are our hassle-free tips for how to clean wine glasses so they’re sparkling and party-ready.
Wine glasses can be washed in the dishwasher or by hand, depending on how sturdy they are. Delicate glasses should always be hand washed to prevent breaking.
A gentle dish soap or dish detergent is ideal for cleaning all types of wine glasses.
If you’re cleaning glasses by hand, you’ll need the following:
Step one: Wash
Place sturdy glasses in the dishwasher.
If hand washing, fill each glass a quarter of the way with warm water and a small amount of dish soap. Let soak for 5-10 minutes to loosen wine stains, then dump.
Use a damp dish cloth to gently wipe the rim of the glass. Rinse thoroughly and place upside down on a drying mat or dish rack to dry the wine glasses.
Step two: Polish
Hold the glass by the bottom of the bowl and push a microfiber polishing cloth into the center.
Use a gentle twisting motion inside of the glass to polish away any spots or residue.
Watch this video to see how to do this technique gently so you don’t break the cup:
Step three: Buff
Use the same microfiber cloth to buff the top and underside of the base of the glass in small, circular motions.
Lastly, rub the cloth up and down the length of the glass stem. Don’t use twisting motions while holding the stem of the glass, as this can break delicate glasses.
Over time, dust and grease particles can make wine glasses look dull, foggy, or cloudy.
Luckily, it’s easy to make them clear again.
For tough stains, try cleaning wine glasses with baking soda and vinegar. Mix equal parts baking soda and vinegar in the bowl of the glass. Let sit for 3-5 minutes, then rinse and dry as usual.
We've pulled the top 5 best dishwasher tablets determined by Grove members. Select from any on the list and get them delivered to your door!
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